
Showing posts from July, 2018


   Ok, so this review is a little out of place because I never reviewed the first one but I HAD TO because I love this book so much my heart shattered and is somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. It's Legendary by Stephanie Garber (check out the post on our IG @thepageflippers) and is the sequel to Caraval . Here's the summary you get online for both ( just so you have an idea on what the first one is about and aren't completely lost. Totally not to remind myself.) Caraval:   Scarlett has never left the tiny island where she and her beloved sister, Tella, live with their ruthless father. Now Scarlett's father has arranged a marriage for her, and Scarlett thinks her dreams of seeing Caraval, the legendary, once-a-year performance where the audience participates in the show, are over. But this year, Scarlett's long-dreamt-of invitation finally arrives. With the help of a mysterious sailor who she has just met, Tella whisks Scarlett away to the show. Only, as soo...

Lies Young Women Believe (A Short Review)

           Picture this. The sun is shining. The palm trees are the only sound around. The ocean is write in front of you, as blue as it can get in the Caribbean. You just applied some sunscreen so-points for self care, you're ready to tan as you open a great book. That's the scene I was in about 3 weeks ago. I was lounging on the sandy beaches of Jamaica for my summer vacation. It was great. But that's not the point. Let's zoom in on our mental picture. The book on my lap. It's called:                             Lies Young Women Believe    It's by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh, and was a gift to me from my mom. I. Loved. It. With. A. Passion. The book focuses on lies that young Christian women believe (and NON christian too but you get my point) and how God's Word and his truth sets them free. My rating goes to- That's how good it was, y'all. Alright...

Losing Touch

The violins sound like cat claws on a chalkboard. I'm serious. As I write this, I'm sitting on a carpet floor, surrounded by mini violin cases in a classroom of mostly 5-6 year old girls, with a boy here and there. In their tiny hands they all hold shrunken versions of a violin, just the right size to be proportional to their small bodies and voices. Every two seconds or so one of them slides off their chair and runs over to me, the volunteer in charge of moving them from class to class at their musical summer camp. "Water, please."- "Listen to me play!"- or, my personal favorite- "KIIIITTTT." Their squeal, they yelp, they cling to my legs, they tackle me, they cry. From 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, my best writing hours are dedicated to the smol munchkins and gaining as many community hours as I can for my high school requirement. This has been the majority of my summer. If I'm 100% honest, I've barely touched my laptop to write...