Rose Colored Glasses
There's a song my dad used to sing when I was little about the ocean and rose colored glasses. I don't remember the lyrics, but I remember telling him it was so silly to think that how you feel about someone could change the way you look at them and the world. And growing up, the whole 'rose colored' glasses was something people insisted as a negative. Me being me, I never looked at it that way. I thought the idea of someone being so important the color everything about life was exciting. Whether they be a friend or more. You guys may have noticed I've been off the grid for awhile. I'll be honest, I can't count the times I would open my blog browser and stare at it and all the unfinished drafts. I'd click on one and type a word or two, then delete them and close the tab. What's going on, Kit? No material? *sigh* I wish it was so. I've had material, pretty good material, for around 3 weeks now. But there's been so much emotion tie...