Bending Over Backwards

Alright guys, it's Kit here. Today's post is going to be somewhat political for those of you not interested in that sort of thing. I'm going to be talking about a specific event that happened in Canada not long ago, where a woman speaking to their prime minister was corrected for using the word 'mankind'. She was corrected and they suggested she use 'people kind' to be more inclusive. Along with this, they've changed the lyrics of their national anthem to be more 'gender neutral'. Please keep in mind, what comes next is MY opinion, and however strongly I express it, I do not expect all of you to agree with me.

    Opinions on inclusivity and gender neutrality in our world seem to be the core measure of character nowadays. Lord forbid one dare to suggest that the changing of a word simply because it references to men is completely ridiculous. Nor may one even dream of suggesting that the change of something as important as a national anthem is an extreme taken to promote a liberal agenda. The word mankind has never been known to speak specifically of men, and is actually defined as "human beings considered collectively; the human race." The idea that some manage to find something offensive in something as insignificant as the spelling of a word, that we have to tiptoe around just about anyone we meet, is exactly what causes so many issues in our world. Free speech is slowly fading to become nothing more than an illusion, a mirage in the minds of so called free people.

   I am not one to want to hurt others, but the measure of what is hurtful has come down to simply people pleasing. Trying to appease everyone at once is a pointless, impossible feat which only results in absurd arguments. Who we give the right to decide what is acceptable and what isn't? The majorities or the minorities? I am all for equal rights when adequate and morally correct, but that does not translate into bending over backwards for every Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along demanding something be changed to fit their needs, or should I say Tom, Jane and Alex? Is it really free speech if any controversial opinion or word is bullied and hushed into submission, if everything we say must go through a thousand different filters until it is dull and devoid of belief? Is it truly tolerance some ask for, or simply the blind and total acceptance society attempts to shove down our throats day after day? The politicians, celebrities and over all population of this world have lost the backbone that once held us upright. If we just sit back and watch it unfold, we will soon be nothing more than washed out, faded shadows of who we once were.

    Let's not cower. Let's not keep our opinions to ourselves, or worse, not have any at all. Stand up on the soap box and share what you think. Form good arguments to defend your beliefs, be ready to stand up for what you believe in. Be different than what they expect us to be, and don't let anyone silence your voice, whether they call you a bigot or simply try to boo you off the stage of life.

     -Kit Heart


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