Things We Take For Granted (EVERYTHING)

     Hey everyone, it's Kit! I am so sorry Vicky and I have been so inconsistent in our postings lately, but thanks to those of you who read the blog! Your support means everything, and like the title says, is one of the things we are prone to taking for granted so-shout out- thank you!😉

      Anyway, I'm here to share a couple of points on the idea that we humans tend to be a little blind to the small things that keep our world spinning. But first, the backstory to this whole shindig. As I already shared, my family and I were in the path of Hurricane Irma. In the midst, we happened to lose power. It was tragic. Phones were dead, AC was gone, the whole package deal. Anyone who lives in a hot climate can relate. Those of you who don't.....just imagine your heater went out. But the opposite.
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Anyway, I was a complete grump. A brat. I was sticky, tired, and worst of all-BORED. Boredom. It's an epidemic that has permeated every teenager in our world. With all the technology, having nothing to do is the worst tragedy next to the fridge being out of ice cream. And it gives you a lot of time to play around with. My mind decided to turn me into the crankiest possible version of me. So, while my family, who was in the same boat as me, was sweltering, and annoyed themselves, they had to deal with Hulk Kit. Not a pretty picture.

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Tis me. The grumpiest grump.

    The storm blew over, and we migrated to my grandma's house, where there was WI-FI and AC. I began to revert to my usual hearty self (Ha. Get the joke???? Hush, I'm funny). As I suddenly started seeing things normally and not in the red hues of my anger and heat, I realized just how for granted I had taken all the technology we have. We are so dependent on it all, I was legitimately shocked for a moment. So, first on the list-

  • Technology.
             Now, I had my laptop and TV. But for some reason, I was still going stir crazy. The answer was simple. School was out, my friends were miles away, locked in their own houses, and I was stuck in my room, listening to music and watching television, day in, and day out. Once again, I was struck with boredom fever. Being inside the same house for days and hours and days wasn't doing me good. I was craving the communication I normally got from yelling at my friends and throwing potatoes at each other! (It happened.) I have a great group of friends, and I'm not sure what I would do without them. They drive me nuts, and half the time, I come home annoyed and tired, but they are one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me!
         Today, I returned to school. There was no AC in the building, and we were all dying. But when I joined everyone at our usual hangout in the morning, heard their voices, and began laughing at our jokes, I felt a knot of tension begin to untie itself. My entire mind gave a breath of relief. I missed them, I did, as insane as it sounded. Friends are a great thing in life, and having good ones that always have your back (or hold a gun to it, whichever works,🤣), make life more bearable. They keep you upbeat, build you up, and are always there, no matter what little things sometimes come between you. I love my friends, and hope everyone out there finds a group just like them. (Don't ever tell them I said this, some of them will never let me live it down).
              And of course, there's Vicky, who was available through thick and thin to smooth my mood during the storm and keep me entertained. I can't thank her enough, and she's far too good and calm to have to put up with me. But I'm glad she does, and I'm not sure what I would do without her. Go craziER most likely. She's the best friend I could ever ask for, and if y'all don't have one, I shall refer you to the Vicky Spade store. Great quality items lol. (Love ya, Vic! 💟💟)
Second on the list-

  • Friends
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      Last, but definitely not least, I began to realize how for granted I take my family. Normally, I kind of live in my own separate worlds. This power outage forced me to talk to them, and they are really the best people in your life. God puts everyone in a specific family for a reason, and no one will ever convince me otherwise. They are there to keep you going, keep you safe, and keep you from losing the small shred of sanity you have left. Whether it's playing board games, or just huddling together on the couch eating canned food and laughing at the flying debris (Some of it does ballet in midair, I promise), they can truly be the greatest thing about life. Never turn your back on family, and always remember that they are the people you are responsible for caring about, first and forth most in the world.
    Last on the list-

  • Family

Image result for family disney gif

Well, that's all I have for today, guys! Signing off, Kit 💝

Anyone have anything to add to this? If so, comment! If you have some experiences or prayer requests about the storm, don't feel afraid to submit it! 


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