In The Eye of The Storm
Andrew. Katrina. Wilma. All names of hurricanes that have torn through our world, destroying cities and homes. Harvey and Irma are soon to be added to this list. I personally, live in the path of Irma, and it's the scariest thing to even think about the damage that they're doing. Preparations, prayers, panic. All three are things that have been swirling through the minds of Floridians, and those in Georgia and South Carolina. Normally, I would be a nervous wreck. But strangely enough, I'm cool as a cucumber.
Some people would accredit this to the fact that I've encountered storms of the like before. Others might say it's part of my personality, or pure ignorance. But it isn't any of those things. How can I say this? Well, for starters, the last storm I truly went through was 12 years ago. And I have very vague memory of it. Personality wise, I'm prone to howling and wailing and falling apart at the nearest sign of trouble. It's unlike me to composed. So, this is extremely out of character for me. Pure ignorance, then? Hardly, my friends. I am very aware of the tragedies, fatalities, and destruction that is implemented by these hurricanes. My family, teachers and friends have all done their best to educate me on the worst case scenarios. So why exactly AM I so calm?
I spent the last few hours pondering that. Wondering why exactly I was so freaked out about it. In the midst of a conversation with a slightly hysterical friend, I realized how our roles had been reversed. She was generally calmer in high pressure scenarios. That only made me wonder even more. My mother suggested we all pray together, and as we knelt in front of the presence of our Father, I realized that the peace I had been feeling was because of Him.
I am so sure of His mercy and His love for us, that I can stay calm through this storm. (Pun intended). Our world is going through a lot of pain and destruction, and uncertainty. But while everyone around us panics, I know one thing is constant. God will always protect us. No matter if the roof flies off my home, my car goes hurtling down the street and my room floods, He will always take care of His children. Nothing that happens goes without Him seeing. He knows. He has a plan.
It's a comforting thought, to know that there's Someone up there keeping an eye on me, making sure I'm taken care of. And while non-believers say it's all just false hope, I find myself wondering- if we have nothing to rely on but our faulty human emotions and machines, where will we find ourselves? We've tried coasting on what our minds can rationalize, and we're still freaking out and at the mercy of weather. Maybe a little 'false' hope is exactly what our world needs.
Matthew 6:34- “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." (NLT)
Signing off and hoping you all stay safe,
Kit Heart💝
Beautifully stated! Yes, our calmness may at times seem unreasonable to others but knowing where is comes from makes it all somehow seem "reasonable". Thank you "Kit" for sharing your heart with us:-).