When Failure Seems Inevitable-Faith.

         In one of my previous posts, I wrote about doing things that scared you. Well, if there's one thing that scares us teens, it's failure. Even the mere thought of having someone say 'You failed' whether it be a teacher, parent, friend, or even your own thoughts makes us scurry away from whatever it is we are facing.
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      It isn't very hard to draw from a personal experience from this. The most recent one is something I like to call 'Flute Fiasco'. My friends at school are all involved in some sort of musical standing, whether it is band or choir. I used to be involved in music, having played the piano for 7 years, give or take. That's around half my life! My friends began to urge me to join band with them. 'Play the flute!' they urged. 'You'll be great!' Honestly, I was scared to the bone, but I agreed, met with the teacher, tested a flute, and signed up.

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I wasn't really sure what I was getting into. Having grown up in a musical family, I figured the flute would come easily. Boy was I wrong. We went out and rented the instrument, brought it home. I sat and looked for online tutorials. Holding up the silver tube to my mouth, I blew into it. No sound. Blew again. No sound. Blew again. A small squeak that was too pathetic to be CALLED a sound. And then finally-A SOUND. But then I was dizzy, and had to put the flute down hurriedly. (The amount of air blown into that is insane). When I picked it up again-the same empty rush of air met my lips. No sound. It was extremely frustrating.

       My school will be starting in under a month, and I am most definitely not ready to start band class. I've never failed a class before in my life, and it's been one of my greatest fears since I could remember! I know that the possibility of this all turning out terribly is there. But there's also the possibility of it turning into something amazing.

   How many things has the fear of failure kept us from attempting? How many times have we run away from something that could be beautiful and life changing just because it might not be? The same applies to spiritual events, not just things like school or flutes. God calls us to do things for Him that seem far too large for us to handle, and we turn around and skedaddle out of there.
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        What I am trying to say is that, we can't deny the crazy, scary things in our lives all the time. We need to try, and yes, we will fail. Sometimes. But sometimes, we won't, and we'll look back and say 'That wasn't so bad.' It takes faith. Trust that whatever shenanigan you're hauling yourself into, God will be there to help you and make sure things turn out for the best. Three fs- Fear, Failure, Faith.
          Till next time!
             Kit 💝

                       Is there anything you've been avoiding because of failure? Has anyone here signed up to play the flute and is realizing that it takes skill beyond what they imagined? *nervous laughter* Feel free to leave responses in the comments! 


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