I Don't Want To Be Accepted


Our world consists of walking around politically correct eggshells. What you say, how you say it, who you say it to, it all comes down to one thing. Whether or not you are accepting people. What exactly is accepting? The dictionary states accepting as 'believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.' What exactly do we believe should be accepted? I wholeheartedly agree with the acceptance of racial differences. But what about when the world urges us to accept our faults as simply being who we are?
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My thoughts exactly, Alice. I've mentioned in previous posts that I am a pretty shy person. I don't go around, making new friends. I wait for someone to approach me, and even then, I may not exactly be very open to conversation. I've admitted, it is a weakness. But a weakness I know God can turn into a strength, through Him. Sounds good? Good. But then we go out into the world. The world is constantly trying to push it down our throats that wanting to change, to better ourselves, is a bad thing! For example, a shy person who is encouraged by others to step out of his/her comfort zone, is told that those people are wrong. That she is fine the way she is, and others should accept that. I disagree.

        Now, before the Internet goes ballistic on me, let me explain my point. I am not saying there is something wrong with introverted people. I am one of those people! What I AM saying, is that introverted people should not dig themselves a hole, surrounded by a fence made up of their own weakness. Being introverted should not stop us from growing. It should not make up who we are, and what we do, and how, or when or why. The truth is, that an introverted person will have hindrances if they do not attempt to step out of their shell. I know this by experience! From not making new friends, to not joining clubs or extracurricular that interest them, to not even applying to the colleges they wish to go to, it all happens.

Every one of us was built for a purpose. Yes, we have weaknesses that get in the way. But we CAN surpass that. Any fault in our sinful selves is just somewhere God can shine through. And even when we see the ways our problems can hinder our potential, we still hear the same message from society. Your faults are there to stay. Deal with it. And make them a good thing. Young teens around the world hear this, and believe it. It stops them from going higher than where they are, stops them from overcoming trials.

  The Bible tells us that our spirit has three enemies. The devil, the flesh, and the world. In this case, the world is being our enemy. We do not need to let our weaknesses or sin define us. We do not need to accept that.  God wants us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. How can we do that if we listen to the world, our enemy? Our goal should not be the world's acceptance. Our goal should be God's acceptance.
            -Kit 💝

        How do you view the word acceptance? Do you agree, or disagree with my thoughts on this idea? If you've learned to overcome something, to not try and gain the world's acceptance, share it!


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