Young-Writer's Guidebook: Brett Harris (An E-book of inspiration)
It's no secret around here that Vicky and I are young writers.
We've been writing together in the form of short stories/books for two years now, give or take. Recently, we decided we wanted to take our writing in a serious, God inspired direction, no matter what we write. But being a teen writer definitely is not easy.Ok, no I'm joking. Anyway, a mentor of mine shared this e-book with me, called 'Young Writers Guide' by Brett Harris. It has tips on being a young writer who leans on God from writers that have been published as young as even 15! Vicky and I did our reading on it, and found that it's not that hard to find good, substantial tips from people just like us. There were 20 writers in all referenced in the e-book, and those were just the ones the author chose to contact!
Being a teen writer means facing the rest of the world. It means knowing that our young age does not define us or our talent. What does define us, in how we use our young age and talent for God's word. This book gives helpful tips and encouragement to keep striving to be more than the standard they've put on young writers like us, and to push forward to the next steps in our careers.
Yes. I said career. Being a writer, unpublished or not, means you HAVE A CAREER. Something to work for. And this book reminds you not to put your passion aside. If writing is what you love, and what you feel you are called to do, DO IT. Give it your all, and give it all to God.
Below, I'll put a link to the e-book, in case any of you want to read it. (Trust me. You do.)
Till next time, it's Kit Heart, encouraging you to keep writing!
Anyone read it before? If so, how did it help you? And if you just read it now, tell us more about your young writer's life in the comments!
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