
Showing posts from July, 2020

Be True to Who?

         High-school Musical.    The Little Mermaid. Frozen.  All Disney movies, yes. All admittedly fun movies with great songs, plots and even a few nice lessons along the way. However there is one aspect of these movies that I didn't realize was harmful till now. The idea of being "true to yourself" and following your own heart regardless of anything else. While in the movies this leads to good decisions and happy endings, that mentality doesn't always end up with a happily ever after.  After all, the heart is a compass with a broken needle.      Let me go a little more in depth into that statement. Humans are faulty creatures. We are led by selfishness, greed, and countless other nasty things. We make mistakes on an almost everyday basis, and we get ourselves into situations caused by our own malintent. And yet the world instructs us "be true to yourself, follow your heart and all will go well." I'd like to formal...


           I'll be honest. I had a very different post planned for today. I had it typed up, was working on the cover design and had some cool verses. It's a good post. And one I will be saving for a later date. But something came up that needs to be talked about. Needs to be written about. I'm angry as I write this. Enraged, indignant, whatever synonym fits. Honestly, what I'm writing probably won't be as elegant or refined as I normally like to write. It's just raw at this point. Today, I'd like to talk about media censorship, in a country that was founded upon free speech.     I am a teenage girl who loves politics and is on social media a good amount of the day. That means I follow a good amount of politically aimed accounts. Most of these are conservative, as is expected from a conservative Christian. Over the course of the last maybe two months, I have seen multiple of these accounts experience censorship from the media platforms (...

If It Wasn't A Dream-Chapter 1 Pt.2

           Hi everyone! This is part two of chapter one of my novel that I'm currently editing. For part 1, head to my blog and check out the writing tag! You can even find out more about the characters on my Instagram account, @thepageflippers.  I hope you enjoy!      The foster parent, Levi, had looked across the room at Nix, sitting on the couch with both arms wrapped around his book bag and a suitcase at his feet. Nix can imagine exactly what he had seen. A teenage boy with long, stick straight hair hanging into his eyes. Skinny arms, legs, body. Bruises around his cheekbone, slouched over. He had looked back from underneath his hair to see what the man looked like. Levi had the typical look of any all-American football player. Blonde hair, blue eyes and built like a Roman statue. Nix hadn’t been able to take much else in. The air smelled like mint, maybe, and the floor was carpeted, so Nix hadn’t been able to hear when...

Proud to be an American

    Today, the fourth of July in the U.S.A, is our independence day. Normally my family would pack a cooler of food, grab a few picnic blankets and head to our local firework show with the other American citizens in our city. We would be celebrating the birth of a country that did what no other country had done. It built a democracy from scratch, with no previous foundation other than a few colonies built up from British rule. Independence Day 2020 is looking very different. Most families are staying at home, I'm going to work, and the news is dominated by people who seem to want to tear our country apart. It's hard to be joyful over this day when I see people who are citizens so against the United States.    Many of the debates circulating the media are concerned with the coming election and the treatment of minorities in the past and present. Yesterday, I saw a post that claimed no Latina/o person could possibly be happy with our country and its leader. Well, here I am, a La...