If It Wasn't A Dream- Chapter 1 Pt. 1
Hi everyone! So I've decided to share a little piece of my novel every month as a way to share it and also motivate my self to finish editing it! This will be alongside my regular content. Here's the first part of chapter 1 of my novel, If It Wasn't a Dream, the story of Nix Blanco, a boy who returns to a town from his childhood to live with a foster family who reminds him life can be a reality, not just a dream. I hope you enjoy! His feet are still bare, the cold cement of the front steps digging into his heels as he steps onto it. The whispered words from the social worker and the harsh yells of his mother float in and out of the almost closed door.He stares at the brown blades of dead grass on the front lawn, wondering if they’ll want him to put on shoes. Probably. The thought is bland and empty, white noise his brain is producing to block everything else out. “Nix Blanco, your things.” the social worker steps out with two bags, a kind faced man with a bit of hair st...